Transport & Plata Conditii

Cantitatea minima pentru comanda (export)

Livram produsele noastre post-mix la nivel internațional în peste 10 de țări din Europa.
Vom fi bucuroși să vă facă o ofertă individuală în funcție de nevoile dumneavoastră.

Colecta bunurilor din depozitul nostru central din Landau

Colecții trebuie să fie notificată de telefon nu mai târziu de 4 ore înainte.

Our terms of payment and delivery apply exclusively. All prices are to be understood net on advance payment, cash on delivery or debit order (upon authorization by Fa. Getränke Südpfalz GmbH).

All offers as well as any information and prices published on this website are subject to confirmation. We do not accept liability for printing or typographical errors. Declarations of acceptance and all orders shall require written confirmation or confirmation by telex from Fa. Getränke Südpfalz GmbH in order to become legally effective. In that connection we may direct your attention to our General Terms and Conditions which you will find on the reverse of our letterhead and at on the web.

Further questions?
Then feel free to email or call us. We will be pleased to help.
Tel: +49 (0)7275 / 404 303 20
